Monday, March 12, 2012

Marathon Monday

It has been awhile since I updated my training status so here it is:
Last Last week:
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles

Last week:
Tuesday: 4 miles in 45 minutes
Thursday: 5 miles in 55 minutes
Sunday: 11.4 miles in 2 hours 20 minutes

I had my first over 10 mile run just yesterday and it was an amazingly gorgeous day for a run.  60 degrees and sunny!  I was actually pretty warm and was able to wear a tank top and capri running tights and feel comfortable.  The sun beat down heavily on me though so I drank through my 20 ounces of water pretty quickly leaving the last 2 miles pretty unbearable.  There was about 50 million times I thought about stopping and walking the rest of the way home.

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But I didn't, I kept going and finished it out.  I can't lie...the rest of the afternoon I was exhausted.  Running has become extremely difficult to fit into life as working full time, mommying full time, and house renovations full time have started to take its toll.  But I'm determined not to give up.

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I am strong enough!

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