Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Artist's Corner

I know I promised "musical lamps" today but last night I was inspired to finally organize my artist's corner.  These photos created some serious inspiration....

So, just like an artist, I started off with a blank canvas, an extra guest bedroom that was used as a "catch all" for stuff I didn't know what to do with.

And then I finally unpacked all my supplies after 7 months.  Organized and separated materials like beads, buttons, ribbons, seashells into mason jars.

After organizing, I set up a space to paint with the perfect view.  If you look closely you might catch a glimpse of the outside lake view.  I am sure this will be a constant source of inspiration.

And finally, putting it all together.  My desk area where I can sew, paint, and draw.  

I am not a great artist or seamstress by any means, but being creative allows me to open my mind and enjoy the *fancy* around me.  In other words, this quote sums it up:

"What art offers is space-a certain breathing room for the spirit." (John Updike)


  1. Love this space you created Jenna! Looks wonderful! I am in the process of turning a spare room into my studio! Too much fun!
    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Becky! I've already sewed a new ottoman cover and new pillow covers. Check back next week because I'll be sharing pictures.

      Have a *fancy* weekend too!
